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Why is Good Content Vital to Marketing Success?

Written communication has always been important. Today, it is even more important for five reasons:

  1. Many of the people you want to influence will interact with you online, perhaps only that way. Getting your message across with the written word is crucial. You don’t get the benefit of verbal context immediately.
  2. The space and time you have to communicate is growing shorter all the time. Twitter, Face Book, and other social media sites limit words. According to research by Telmetrics and xAd, 46% of searchers use mobile devices exclusively for online research. The words that appear matter. Attention spans too are constricting. Evidence-based research firm, Nielson Norman Group, found that even the most literate readers only read about 20% of the text on an average webpage (593 words is the average).
  3. “Keywords” are the lifeblood of an effective website. Those precious words must be woven into your text eloquently. Search engines are too smart for text simply stuffed with keywords.
  4. Your words need to say something meaningful, appealing. Who wants their time wasted with artificial stuff that doesn’t answer the question, provide insight, or entertain.
  5. Incorrect grammar or wordy, awkward sentences are a credibility killer.

Well written material is not a one time deal. Search engines can’t be blasted with content all at once. Plan for regular refreshing of your main pages and new information.

These points go for traditional print as well. You probably have a good idea about what needs to be said to your audience. Everyone needs a little help refining their message.