336-596-7514 [email protected]

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) reportedly became a meaningful term around 1997. In recent years, it’s become critical to on-line marketing. SEO is essentially using the right words and coding on a website to increase the chances that the site will be found by searchers.

SEO content writing is one of the most important factors in ensuring a site ranks well (gets found) by the many search engine tentacles or spiders that continually hunt the internet looking for and cataloging information.

Additional pieces of a good SEO campaign include setting up webmaster tools, optimizing the Title Tag, Description Tag, URL, and Header-tags on each page. Setting-up of Google + and links, updating an XML sitemap and submitting it to Google and Bing webmaster tools is also useful.

West 65 helps small businesses and organizations walk through a simple eight step SEO plan.

What is SEO

  • SEO writing involves identification of the most critical keyword phrases that pertain to your services or products.

According to Moz.com, an SEO software company, “Ranking for the “right” keywords can make or break your website. Through the detective work of puzzling out your market’s keyword demand, you not only learn which terms and phrases to target with SEO, but also learn more about your customers as a whole.”

With the help of an SEO professional you’ll pare down the list based on relevance and search volume. You can sign-up for Google Adwords Keyword Planner and do your own research too.

  • Your SEO content writer will analyze your existing web pages for content that supports your keyword phrases.
  • SEO writing to optimize every page on your website.
  • We’ll Geo-Target your website.
  • Our SEO writing experts will link everything to your home page.
  • We can help  you with Google +.
  •  Building an XML site  map and submitting it to webmaster tools is critical.

All of this work so far is designed to attract search engines crawlers to your website and find the good stuff you want people to explore and act on.

  • Allow our SEO writing team to help you create and post great content regularly.

Great content is video, articles, blogs that provide searchers what they are looking for, or better yet more than they were looking for. Companies with a blog see more traffic to websites and conversions than those who do not, 434% more according to Search Engine Journal.

Contact us today at 336-596-7514 to learn more about building SEO content and campaigns that get results.