336-596-7514 [email protected]


A copy writer ensures the message you are trying to convey is clear and concise. Many organizations under value copy writing because it seems like something any one on staff can accomplish. West 65 Inc. provides copywriting services for a wide range of interests.

There are several rules of thumb to consider when evaluating copy.

Whether a brochure, white paper, press release or even an email the first three sentences should tell the reader a) what is this about, b) what is the take home message or opinion being shared, and c) what action could or should be taken.

Copy should quote or reference legitimate or trust worthy sources.

Copy should be short and to the point. Blog post or web page = 600 words maximum. White papers = 3,000 words maximum. Feature story = 1,500 words or so.

A good freelance copywriter can take your idea or message and condense it into the right length, using the best words to get the job done quick.

Contact West 65 Inc. in Greensboro, North Carolina for a free copywriting sample.