by west65inc | Apr 30, 2016 | Uncategorized
As technology expanded, so did our obsession with time management (recently dubbed energy management). At the root is a desire to be happy. In our heart we hope that if the business succeeds, we’ll change the world and make a good living. The steps to getting what’s...
by west65inc | Mar 22, 2016 | Blog
Hiring people is time-consuming. Firing people is even more costly than hiring at times. Being honest about your own leadership style and company culture will save time, money, and potential heartache when it comes to hiring. Here are three common leadership styles...
by west65inc | Feb 22, 2016 | Blog
(image: In the movie American Snipper, Ben Reed as Chris Kyle’s father, explains to his young sons that there are three kinds of people: sheep, wolves, and sheep dogs. While simple in concept, the analogies to human instinctual behavior make...
by west65inc | Oct 21, 2015 | Blog
This post came out a few years ago on passwords and protecting yourself. It’s more important than ever, today. As careful as I am, some scammer got me a year or so back and held my system hostage for Bitcoin. Fortunately, I use NeotechIT. He rescued my digital...
by west65inc | Sep 2, 2015 | Blog
A headshot is a photo of you from the shoulders up intended to present your best professional self. Most professional photographers will take a headshot for $100 or less. At the risk of hurting your feelings, we need to talk about your headshot or lack thereof. Please...
by west65inc | Sep 2, 2015 | Blog
Email is growing as the most effective yet least expensive form of marketing. ExactTarget, an email platform, reports that 77% of consumers prefer to receive permission-based marketing communications through email. The key is to understand the etiquette and how to use...